HomeOur CommunityFrom SonyaSome of my Favourite pics from the No More Rally

Some of my Favourite pics from the No More Rally

Melbourne you showed up! Here are some of my favourite pics from the No More rally today.

  1. Condoning of violence against women, ie “Boys will be boys” and victim-blaming.
  2. Men’s control of decision-making, feeling they ‘own’ their partners or can control how they should behave.
  3. Gender stereotyping and expected gender roles.
  4. Cultures of masculinity that emphasise aggression, dominance and control.

Inequality benefits only those who hold power. Equality benefits all of us. 🧡

A conversation about women’s safety begins with talking about women’s economic security.

We need to properly fund crisis accommodation and frontline services so women have somewhere safe to go, and fund income supports so women can afford to leave.

Which is why tweets like this from the Prime Minister are empty platitudes.

The PM has this power, but Labor says one thing and does another. They’re more concerned with managing perceptions than people’s problems.

We need change. Change is possible. And we’re going to prove it. 💚